Configuration syntax

Configuration is held in simple .ini file

The file is parsed before passing it to command like, so you can use or define parameters


You can set parameters used later in configuration. For example, if you want to use same passwords in every server, you can put something like that

rcon_password = secret-rcon-pass
stats_password = stats-password
private_password = elite-only

Now to use those parameters in configuration, call them with ${parameters.*} where * is parameter name


To get parameter, use


Global parameters

There are 2 pre-defined global parameters, which cannot be overwritten. Those parameters are:

  • ${loop}
  • ${global.loop}

${loop} is gives current iteration in server group, so its value increases by 1 after each server parsed in servers group

${global.loop} is global iteration pointer, so its value increases by 1 after each server parsed, regardless of group it’s in

Self parameters

With the parameters above, you can set some contants. But what if you want to get current server configuration value?

Instead of using ${parameter.*} use ${server.*}.


To get server variable, use



You can use mathematical expressions in You configuration!

Each expression has to be between >> and <<


Example math expression, where we set zmq_rcon_port 1000 higher than server’s port

zmq_rcon_port = >>${server.net_port} + 1000<<


In addition to [parameters] section, all other sections have to start with pre-defined words. Those words are:

Word Purpose
server Single server configuration
defaults Server’s group defaults/fallback configuration
extra Extras added to server’s group